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Continuum of Care (CoC)

LICH Expanded Services

The Continuum of Care (CoC) Program is designed to promote communitywide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness; provide funding for efforts by nonprofit providers, and State and local governments to quickly rehouse homeless individuals and families while minimizing the trauma and dislocation caused to homeless individuals, families, and communities by homelessness; promote access to and effect utilization of mainstream programs by homeless individuals and families; and optimize self-sufficiency among individuals and families experiencing homelessness.

LICH as Collaborative Applicant- Key Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Establish and update a CoC Charter that outlines the structures and functions of the CoC

  • Establish a CoC Governing Body to act on behalf of the CoC and approve local policy and strategies

  • Appoint additional committees, subcommittees, or workgroups

  • Facilitate the CoC Funding Round Process

  • Conduct and coordinate an annual Point-In-Time (PIT) homeless count

  • Submit Systems Performance Measure (SPM) and Longitudinal Systems Analysis (LSA) reports to HUD to monitor progress on ending homelessness

  • Provide monitoring and training to stakeholders as required and needed

  • Develop policies to prioritize which households will access housing interventions based on those most in need and least likely to exit homelessness on their own 

  • Develop policies and procedures to coordinate emergency transfers for households in CoC programs that are facing imminent risk of harm in accordance with the Violence Against Women’s Act (VAWA)

  • Establish an entity to operate a Coordinated Entry System (CES) to ensure equitable and streamlined access to housing and other resources

  • Establish an entity to operate a Homeless Management Information System to obtain information on all persons experiencing homelessness within a CoC

  • Ensure effective partnerships and leveraged resources to best address homelessness locally

  • Hold meetings of the full membership, with published agendas

Request training or Support

[Contact the CoC team at or [CoC Edu staff TBD]]

*Please note that CoC Planning staff may not be able to provide direct training in all areas to all stakeholders. The ability to do so will depend on demand, capacity, and other HUD requirements. Most trainings are conducted virtually. Please visit the CoC website to review existing guidance and prior training material that is publicly posted and available. Preference will be given to those that demonstrate active participation in ending homelessness by regularly attending CoC Business meetings and/or participating on CoC committees and working groups. 


Homeless Management Information System Definition:

HMIS is a local information technology system used to collect client-level data and data on the provision of housing and services to individuals and families at risk of and experiencing homelessness.

LICH as HMIS Administrator- roles and responsibilities (very brief list)

The role of the HMIS Administrator includes:

  • System administration

  • Training, communications and technical assistance (Helpdesk)

  • Data Analysis and reporting

Aggregate Data Reports

Specific Data and Aggregate Information Desired*:

Intended Use and Purpose of Data Requested:

Any sharing of data or actions using data reports resulting in the risk of harm to people experiencing homelessness will be reported and responded to as appropriate and necessary. 

*Please note that HMIS Administrators must ensure the privacy, safety, and confidentiality of those individuals captured in local data. Aggregate data reports only will be provided at the discretion and ability of the HMIS Administrator. Please visit the CoC website to review existing data and reports that are publicly posted and available. Preference will be given to those that demonstrate active participation in ending homelessness by regularly attending CoC Business meetings and/or participating on CoC committees and working groups, as well as for academic research or community awareness building and advocacy efforts. 


Call 631-464-4314 ext. 118 

To connect with our Street Outreach Team


Phone: 631-464-4314

Fax: 631-464-4319

600 Albany Avenue Suite 2

Amityville, NY 11701

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