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Long Island Coalition for the Homeless provides a special Distribution Center, a “Boutique”, that gives people in need a chance to come and pick out clothes and other essential items. These clothing options can range from casual to business attire. All items are free! Clothing is available in all sizes: infant through adult and everything in between. We collect items for people experiencing homelessness year round with the help of generous volunteers in the community who host drives for us at their schools, places of business, places of worship, and among friends and family.

Items which are given away at the Boutique are all donated by people and organizations in the community. The items include clothing, non-perishable food, toiletries, housewares and more! 

The Boutique directly impacts those experiencing homelessness by:


Access to Resources: Support and connections to other resources that help people exit homelessness or remain housed and improve their overall well-being.

Person-Centered: A safe place where the focus is on the needs and wants of each individual. 

Street Outreach/Meeting People Where They Are At: The LICH Street Outreach Team targets engagement efforts to those living outside that are the most vulnerable, lack support systems and are the least likely to be connected to resources. Many items from the Boutique such as hygiene products, blankets, and warm winter clothing and provided to people directly on the street.

Housing Retention: For many experiencing homelessness, a large factor in the likelihood that they remain housed is based on whether their environment feels like a home. Boutique volunteers work with housing case managers to provide move-in baskets and personal items for their new places, as part of transition case management and community orientation and integration to a new area.


Budgeting/Homeless Prevention: Many Long Islanders unfortunately have to make choices about what bills they are able to pay each month as living expenses continues to rise. Accessing vital resources such as clothing and school supplies can allow households to save money and ensure that they have enough to pay rent and remain housed. 

Community Activism, Dialogue and Awareness: The program engages the community in volunteerism, giving and spreads awareness about the issue of homelessness. Conducting a drive allows for community unity around homelessness and the opportunity to learn how those items impact people in need. 

To learn more about the work being done to address homelessness on Long Island visit 

Please note the Boutique does not need:

Halloween/Christmas Decorations

Prom Dresses/Gowns/Wedding Gowns

Knick Knacks (ex: Figurines, Picture Frames)

Clothing, Housewares, and Essential Item Donations: 

We are currently in need of (Last updated  2/11/2022)

Click here to view our list of needs and what we accept

Unsure of what to donate? Don't have time to drop off items? Consider donating so that we can purchase these items for our clients!

Volunteer Opportunities: 

Our Boutique is volunteer ran. The volunteers act as "personal shoppers" to assist people in finding the perfect items for their needs. The goal is for people to be able to "shop" with dignity. Volunteers are also responsible for sorting and organizing the donated items. The Boutique is constantly being decorated and updated to fit the season. 

If you are interested in joining our volunteer family, email 

LICH Boutique Logo


Boutique Hours: 

The Boutique is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays 10AM-3PM. Shopping and pick-ups from the Boutique are by referral and appointment, only.

Donations can be dropped off during that timeframe without an appointment. If you're looking to drop off a donation outside of the Boutique's normal operating hours, call Bailey at 631-464-4314 ext. 125.


600 Albany Avenue

Amityville, NY 11701

Shopping Protocol (Effective October 2023):

The Boutique offers shopping and pick-up appointments. We encourage people to come in and shop, if possible, to pick out items they like. To receive items from the Boutique, a referral must be submitted for you in advance and then we will contact you to schedule an appointment.

Appointment and Referral Form Protocol: 

To make an appointment, please complete the referral form and submit via fax or email. Please fax the complete referral form to 631-464-4319 or email David at David will contact you once the referral form is received to schedule an appointment.

General Boutique Brochure 

Click here to view the Boutique Brochure

Do you want to refer someone to the Boutique?

Click here to download the Referral Form 

Do you know someone who needs food?

Click here to download the Pantry Referral Form 

The Boutique
Community Garden

The Coalition Community Garden


"To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow."

- Audrey Hepburn

Our Community Garden is located at our Community Resource Center and serves the residents of Liberty Village, as well as other veterans in our community of our Garden Club.


During our Garden Club meetings, members decide what to plant and grow while learning about various aspects of organic gardening. The Garden Club welcomes everyone who is interested in gardening to volunteer with us.


The Community Garden program also incorporates the preparation of healthy meals made from organic ingredients. Members learn to cook and enjoy various new dishes.


The garden planning and planting happens Jan-Nov! 

Download Our Community Garden Brochure!


  • Attend to the basic gardening by helping to weed, till, harvest and more!

  • Build with basic carpentry to create vertical and raised beds

  • Conduct drives for essentials


  • Date: Check back during the spring and summer months!

  • Volunteers will help with weeding, setting up planting areas, planting, clean up, etc. 

  • People of all ages are welcome to join. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

  • If interested, please email Bailey Riekkinen: indicating names and ages of all volunteers (adults 18+ may just indicate they are adults, children's ages are required), times volunteers expect to participate (please give time range), and contact phone number. 


Gardens foster a sense of "community" as people come together to interact and work towards a common goal. It also teaches the importance of nature and cultivation. 


People of all ages can acquire and share knowledge related to gardening, cooking, nutrition and health. For children and teenagers it is an opportunity to learn about sustainability while helping veterans grow nutritious, environmentally sound food. 


Gardens help increase biodiversity, recycle local organic materials and reduce fossil fuel use from food transport. The Garden reduces seasonal allergies and asthma. It beautifies our community and restores oxygen into our air! 


Interacting with plants and having access to nature has been shown reduce stress and increase gardeners' sense of wellness and belonging. Gardening requires physical activity and helps improve your overall physical health.​



Call 631-464-4314 ext. 118 

To connect with our Street Outreach Team


Phone: 631-464-4314

Fax: 631-464-4319

600 Albany Avenue Suite 2

Amityville, NY 11701

Join our mailing list

Copyright © 2024 Address the Homeless Coaching. All rights reserved.

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